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Chiropractic Care ~ Athletic Therapy ~ ReHab ~ Nutritional Counseling
Initial Visit:
On your initial visit, you will have to fill out some paperwork. While it may seem unnecessary, it is more than just our attempt to cause your hand to cramp; it really gives us some information about you as well as your complaint. Dr. Wade will then perform a thorough consultation with you to help her determine if you are eligible for chiropractic care. If Dr. Aikey feels that chiropractic care can help you, a posture analysis and thorough exam will then be performed. After this, if she feels that you are still eligible for chiropractic care, then Dr. Aikey will explain what kind of treatment will be beneficial for you, work with you to develop a treatment plan to get you the best results, and answer any questions that you might have. If there are no red flags, then most likely chiropractic care will begin on the first visit. After the first visit, you will most likely be given exercises. These exercises are vital in decreasing your treatment time and improving your overall health. The first visit will last 30 minutes to an hour. Having your forms filled out beforehand will help speed up this process
What to Bring:
On your initial visit, please bring your driver’s license and athletic clothes (shorts, t-shirt, yoga pants, sweat pants, etc.). Our initial exam may require you to move around, so more comfortable clothes are needed. If you have had any surgeries, a copy of the doctor’s report will be helpful, but we can request it with your permission. If you have had any recent images taken, a copy of those will be ideal to add to our records. This will make it easier on everyone, including you, the patient.