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Chiropractic Care ~ Athletic Therapy ~ ReHab ~ Nutritional Counseling
Elite Chiropractic of the Ozarks, LLC and Dr. Johna Wade provide various treatment methods, catered to each individual's need and situation. The treatment methods are simple in concept, but complex in their implementation and adaptation. Our approach is unique and individualized.
Plantar Fasciitis
Heel Fat Pad Syndrome
Toe Pain
Achilles Tendonitis
Shin Splints
Ankle Sprain
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrom
Runners Knee (Patella Tracking)
Meniscus Injury
Patellar Tendinopathy
ITBand Pain
Hamstring Strain
Piriformis Syndrome
Glute Pain
Hip Flexor Injury
Intervertebral Disc Injury
Disc Bulge
Disc Herniation
Muscle Strain
Joint Pain
Facet Driven Pain
Joint/Movement Restriction
Rib Pain
Joint Pain
Muscle Strain
Nerve Entrapment (Pinched Nerve)
Disc Injury
Muscle Injuries
Posture Related Muscle Strain
Ligament Sprain
Jaw Pain (TMJ)
Rotator Cuff Injury
Nerve Entrapment
Throwing Pain
Muscle Strain
Joint Impingement
AC Joint Pain
Tennis Elbow
Golfers Elbow
Nerve Entrapment (Ulnar Nerve)
Tight and Injured Forearm Muscles
Carpal Tunnel (Nerve Entrapment)
Ligament Sprain
Hand Numbness
Joint Restrictions
Low Back Pain
Sports Injuries